In its 1st year, UNEOIF has helped 8 women from the community financially towards their trade. Where they have no means of starting or continuing their trade, we provided cash incentive to aide them back to trade. Some of them borrow money to trade or buy on credit and after selling they return the money and keep whatever peanut is left, of which is not even enough to maintain their family. UNEOIF stepped in and provided financial assistant so that they will not have to borrow or buy on credit, but use their own money and keep all the profits, which aids the women cater for their families better.


UNEOIF has provided apprenticeship training to the youths of the community such as mechanic, almanac window fitting, etc. These youths felt a sense of responsibility towards their family, they want to work to earn money to contribute towards the household, but were stranded with no one to support them in training and achieving job skills, so their dreams were put on hold, living in hope of ‘one-day’. Well, ‘one-day’ came for them by the Grace of God, and brought them to the attention of UNEOIF, who were able to step in and re-open their dreams – we paid for their full apprenticeship training so that they can learn a handy work.


UNEOIF engaged with a professional business training coach who came to the community and provided a 2 day intensive business training course for women and men in the community. This was to help those who wish to go into business or already in business gain better understanding of setting up a business or progressing their business.


UNEOIF has provided free health care for pregnant and nursing mothers and children aged 6 to 9 months. Children were de-wormed and vitamins A and multivitamins were provided for all.



UNEOIF has paid for youths to take their WAEC (West African Exam Cert), one of the youth was an orphan, taking care of his grandmother who was bed ridden. The others, their mothers were struggling, doing petty trading but could not afford the fee for the exam. These youths were nominated by the community members as deserving of support from UNEOIF.

Access to UNEOIF Support:

You may wonder how UNEOIF selects those people in the community to support.

We have an open referral process, then selection of our beneficiaries is made by our community members who are local and know the community people very well, meaning they are able to make inquiries and ascertain those who genuinely need UNEOIF help & support.

Funding UNEOIF:

We have many projections we would like to achieve. We aim to continue empowering, supporting and assisting in all areas of UNEOIF causes & programmes…However, we can only achieve this with support from our sponsors and benefactors…Please continue with your kind donations and help us continue to achieve our future plans…Please click on our ‘Donate’ button above or by Bank Transfer (details below) to support our work.


Bank:  Natwest Bank
Account Number: 27197050
Sort code: 56-00-33


Bank: Access Bank Plc.
Account Number: 0084995802
Account Name: UNEOIF